Monday, March 1, 2010

Concert Concert Concert!

Good evening lovelies.

I'm sorry I haven't posted this weekend
with updates about mah concert experiences but my computer decided it wanted to be mean and I haven't been able to turn it on since. It's currently in the shop and I'm using mom's laptop.

Anyways down to business, the concert was amazing! I've never been in mosh pits as incredible! And I only fell over once, and that was mostly because there was a domino affect. I discovered that the best way to not fall over is to latch onto total strangers. Foolproof.

It must seem sort of strange, a girl who's into fashion, lolita, photography, poetry and art to be in mosh pits and head banging but honestly I think it's important to have a wide range of interests, not just what we feel we should be interested in because it's part of our subculture or label. Example (And I'm using lolita because there seems to be a lot of wank over this) lolitas are sort of known for having tea parties, but what if you're not into tea? Sure, it's tasty or whatever, but honestly to you it's not that big of a deal, but does that make you less lolita?

Of course not! Just because you don't follow the rules of a subculture perfectly doesn't mean you don't belong. I think we should all do what makes us happy first and worry about weather or not we fit in second. That's my take on the subject.

Anyways I had a great time at the concert and I can't wait for the summer to start so I can go to more! (I have too many things that require money in the winter/spring.)

Stay lovely and true all six of my readers.

P.S I really love the pictures from this... The first one is from on our way to the concert and the second I took a while back but I found it fitting. <3

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