Sunday, February 7, 2010

Dealing with Fashion Identity Crisises

Weather we want to our not it's easy to get swept up into the subcultures of fashion and identify with I certain label (such as lolita, emo, gyaru... Ect.) We spend so much time, energy and money on a certain fashion or lifestyle, so when something comes along to make us feel like we're not doing it right, well, it's heartbreaking!

I experienced this last year when my dreams of gyaru were trampled by my rejection from the Daily Gyaru community. I have to admit that was really sad. I thought I was doing an okay job at Gal and even Mamba (Yes I want through a mamba phase... Don't shame me) but then I was basically told that I'm was good enough.

So how does one get over something like that? When your identity (however silly it may be) is put into question and you have to decide if it's really worth continuing. For those of you who don't let negativity set you back, I salute you and hold you at the highest admiration! Unfortunately though, not all of us are strong enough to recover from a fashion identity crisis quite as easily.

So where do we go from there?

My rejection from everyday Gyaru really put me at distaste with Japanese fashion or any sort of label for a while. I've never really regained an interest in Gal style (Besides learning Para Para for anime conventions) but I have taken a liking to other subcultures, like Lolita! (Duh ._.') Even so, I'm not sure if I really want to dive headfirst into Lolita. (I think I've found a happy balance with Quaintrelle style though.)

It took a while to really regain confidence after that though. It was very upsetting and I sort of had to take a step back from the whole thing and say "Is this really what I want for myself? Will this make me happy?"

I think if the clothing you wear, the lifestyle you lead and the friends you have make you happy, then why worry about labels? If you like big puffy lolita skirts but you're not too keen on the idea of wearing bonnets and tea party shoes then why let anyone tell you you're not allowed to do that?

Lolita lifestyle and culture may be enough to make a lot of us happy, (And there's nothing wrong with that.) but for some it takes a little more than tea parties and petticoats.

Labels are for soup. Do what makes you happy.


  1. Your rejection from from everyday gyaru is normal, Ive been rejected twice now because I didn't have the right things in it. But I totally understand the whole being put off thing, I dress manba when I could and was told that I should stop and go into more current trends because it looks better.

  2. Yes, it's very discouraging to be rejected from the communities, and it sort of sucks that they're excluding all the older fashions that people still could have interests in.
    In my opinion, if you're doing it right then why worry about weather it's an old trend?
