Saturday, February 20, 2010


I don't know about you lovelies but I find everything bad happens in February. Maybe it's because we're all sick a tired of winter and we're hoping for the summer to return, our we're bummed out about singles' awareness day (Valentine's day.) All I know is that everyone seems really bummed out right now.

I think we could all use some cheering up, so here's what I'd suggest to lighten the Febuweary-ness:

•Take a nice, looooong bath with lots of candles, bubbles and your favorite book. If you don't have a bathtub take a a nice long shower at sometime you wouldn't normally take one (The afternoon, before bed... ect.) I find a little TLC helps me feel much better.

•Indulge in something you love. It doesn't have to be anything crazy or big, just something that makes you happy. A pack of your favorite Jelly Beans? A deco pack to decorate your calculator? A new memo pad? If it'll give you a little extra happiness then why not!?

•Listen to happy music. To me, that's usually something with lots of piano. What lifts your mood when you need it? Weather it be Bethoven or Job for a Cowboy, make sure you spent a little time every once in a while listening to it.

•Take a sick day. If things are really starting to get crappy and you're under a lot of pressure take a day off to spend with yourself. Laze about in your PJs, catch up on homework, take pictures of something cute, read a magazine. Do something you wouldn't normally be able to do because of school/work/life.

•Plan a vacation. Even if you can't go on a vacation it'll still be nice to plan one. Where would you like to go? With who as your travel mates? What sites would you see, what things would you buy? Planning a dream vacation will get your mind off of the weariness of this drab month.

Remember, all the terrible things going on in your life are probably temporary. Things might suck now but by the end of February they could be a lot better.

Stay strong and lovely.

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