Sunday, February 7, 2010

Finacial Woes and How to be Beautiful on a Budget

Sweet lace, frills and bows combined with a the nostalgia of fairy tales and princesses is what's really drawn me into the sub culture of lolita, but unfortunately the price tag is a little discouraging (._.')

It's not easy to capture the beauty of lolita without coughing up a lot of cash that some of us just don't have.

So how does a high style, low budget fashionista find a way to enjoy lolita? Well....

Budgeting. Sometimes you have you set aside something you want for something you love, that could mean skipping your daily mocha for a month or two in exchange for that new Baby JSK you've had your eye on. I carry around a list of things I need to save up for (San Franscico, Anime North, getting my hair dyed.) in my wallet.
Work. I know the economy sucks right now and finding a job isn't easy, especially for teenagers (´∩`。) so finding a source of income requires a little creativity. Have a talent? Sell it! Weather it be knitting scarfs and selling them on etsy or even busking guitar on the street. A little bit of extra cash can go a long way!
Buy off-brand. (Sometimes.) It's tough to compromise the style you love by buying off-brand (Not that there's anything wrong with it! But with brand items you're usually guaranteed amazing quality. ) but sometimes it's not a bad idea to buy off-brand for certain things (Like shoes or petticoats.) to save money for brand items (Like head bows and skirts.) Being creative and adorning yourself in all kinds of beautiful clothing, as opposed to just head to toe brand can lead to unique and interesting results, as well as affordability.

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