Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Day

Oh what a glorious snow day it's been. The buses were canceled so I decided not to go to school because I wanted to have a day off to blog, take pictures and eat Vietnamese food! (Oh boy did I!) I don't think there were too many people at school anyways, non of my friends went so I would have been lonesome and bored ´o`I shall now tell you about my day.

After falling asleep on the couch as I was nursing a sore tummy, my family and I went out for lunch at my favorite Vietnamese place. (Om nom nom on spring roles!) I had a very tasty coconut milkshake.

After chowing down on food, I went for a walk in the park to try to photograph the beautiful scenery all covered in snow. My friend Jill (MandarinPanda. You should check out her blog.) was supposed to accompany me but she fell ill (Everyone's under the weather today it seems!) so I strolled about taking pictures by
myself, which is okay I guess. I got some pretty neat shots in my opinion but I took a tumble while I was walking about! In my effort to save my expensive camera I used my left arm to brace myself and it didn't take the shock as well as it should have! It's very sore now... Ouch!

One final note before I sign off, Vivcore of Candy Violet commented on my Daily Quaintrelle post! Vivcore is perhaps my favorite western lolita (Well, she's more Quaintrelle style now, which is fine by me!) She's my biggest style icon fer suuuuure! This easily made up for the hurting arm.

I'm going to go paint my nails for semi formal now! Goodbye lovelies!


  1. Sorry I didn't manage to come out that day. But we should totally have a major camwhore session one day soon.

  2. I agree! I heard we're getting another snowstorm soon so I'm thinking photoshoot.
